
Judaism 2.0 - Congregation Har HaShem Boulder, CO

Judaism 2.0 is geared to people who are interested in conversion or who have converted in the last several years. The 8-session program is designed to build community connections, especially important in a time of increased isolation due to Covid. Many of the participants have already completed the local Introduction to Judaism class. Mentoring is an important component of the program.

“One of the greatest things we do is to accompany people on their sacred Jewish journeys. For those who are looking for connection, inspiration, comfort, and community, we have been a positive, open, inclusive gateway.”
– Rabbi Fred Greene, Congregation Har HaShem

The clergy is developing the curriculum. It will focus on Prayer, Liturgy, Inspiration, and "Owning Your Judaism." The program was developed because the congregation saw a need to provide greater support to folks who have spent much of their time beginning a Jewish journey online during the pandemic.

Program Materials: Prayer book

Program Cost: Free

For more more details on the program contact Rabbi Fred Greene.

“Being: What’s Next After Choosing Judaism” - Mishkan Chicago

Mishkan Chicago offers a 3-part post-conversion series for recent converts to Judaism. The cost is $18-$36. The program will be offered both in-person and online to allow more people to participate. Last time the program was offered 24 people participated; in 2023 the goal is to register 35-40 people.

The program will help support Jews by Choice in continuing to choose Judaism and Jewish life every day, becoming more comfortable and confident as Jews.

The focus will be on issues surrounding Jewish identity, including obstacles that converts face as they navigate the Jewish community post-conversion.

Marketing: In addition to digital communications and personal reach-outs, Mishkan Chicago plans to promote the program in person at a pre-Shabbat “happy hour” for Jews by Choice and Exploring Judaism graduates.

The Choosing and the Chosen: A Shavuout Reunion and Celebration - Sutton Place Synagogue, New York City

Sutton Place Synagogue (SPS) will be hosting an erev Shavuot program focused on the concept of choosing Judaism. Shavuot makes the perfect setting for this, given Ruth’s significance to the Jewish story. The format of the event will be a facilitated panel of people in the congregation who have chosen Judaism, followed by a discussion, and then a dairy dinner.

Panel: The panel will feature those who converted with the rabbi nearly 10 years ago, those who recently converted under unique circumstances, those who converted outside of the SPS community but are now active members of the SPS community, and family members of those who converted or whose children’s partner converted, among others. The goal of this panel will be to share experiences and talk about the surprises, challenges, needs, and blessings they’ve discovered from their experiences as Jews. This will also serve as a moment of inspiration and encouragement for audience members who might be considering or in the process of conversion.

Discussion: The audience and panelists will then be split up into discussion groups, to discuss questions that converts are asked upon their conversion. This will allow Jews by choice and Jews by birth to both discuss how they live Jewishly and what the role of their shared Jewish community can play. The central question of this discussion will be - for Jews by birth or Jews by choice, what does it mean to choose Judaism, to embrace Jewish values, community, and lifestyles in a post October 7 world?

Dinner: Finally, everyone will share a dairy meal together to allow for time to celebrate the panelists and build community.

For more information contact Abby Johnson-Guez, Director of Membership and Development.

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