Large Grantees

Larger Grants – Reporting Guidelines

We ask that organizations that receive large grants (generally over $10,000) create their own interim and final reports. Guidelines are provided below.

As part of the reporting process, please tell us how your NCEJ grant was used and any advice you have for others considering similar programming (including what worked and what you might do differently next time). We are also interested in any follow up steps you might be taking. This information will also help NCEJ identify successful strategies that others can use to attract new people to Judaism.

We encourage grantees to submit comments and feedback from both participants and event organizers as well as photos, which may be used on NCEJ’s website. Please do not share any photos or materials that cannot be shared publicly. We also encourage you to send handouts or other program resources as well as samples of print or online ads that you’ve used to bring in participants to your programs like social media ads, flyers or postcards. We’ll highlight some of them on our website so others can get ideas for advertising they can use in their communities. Consideration for any future funding depends upon timely receipt of requested reports.

Guidelines for Interim Reports

Please keep the following guidelines in mind when writing your report. Please include photos if available.

1. Contact Information
  • Organization Name/Address
  • Contact Name/Title
  • Phone/Email
2. Program Information
  • Program Title
  • What is the purpose of your program?
3. Evaluation
  • Have the program’s goals been met so far?
  • What factors have contributed most to the success of the program so far?
  • What might you do differently to improve the program going forward?
  • Please provide any tips that other organizations would find useful.
Send Your Reports To:

Email your report to Ellen Gerecht or mail it to: PO Box 125, Kensington MD 20895-0125.

Guidelines for Final Reports

Please keep the following guidelines in mind when writing your report. Please include photos if available.

1. Contact Information
  • Organization Name/Address
  • Contact Name/Title
  • Phone/Email
2. Program Information
  • Program Title
  • Program Dates
  • Description
  • What is the purpose of your program?
  • What was the amount of the grant?
3. Evaluation
  • How was the effectiveness of the grant/program measured? (Include number of participants and relevant demographics)
  • How well were the program’s goals met?
  • What factors contributed most to the success of the program?
  • What might you do differently to improve the program?
  • Were there any lessons you learned from running this program that might help another organization run a more effective program?
  • How would you revise or expand the program in the future if funding was available?
4. Additional Information
  • Please provide any feedback from participants (or sub-grantees, if applicable).
  • Please include photos if available.
  • Please provide any additional information you think we would find useful.
  • What ideas do you have for future programming that meshes with NCEJ’s mission?
  • Please share with us any suggestions you have for our grant-making or reporting process.

We thank you for taking the time to reflect on your programs. We look forward to getting your reports and having others learn from your experiences.

Send Your Reports To:

Email your report to Ellen Gerecht or mail it to: PO Box 125, Kensington MD 20895-0125.


We encourage you to submit examples of digital and print ads and program handouts.

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